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Monday 18 July 2011

- Juve Wellness Center - Organic food

Hehe..I asked the waitress that either can supply me the Chilies sauce? The answer I obtained is Chili sauce is not an organic food. :P
Why Organic?

·         Improved Quality of Food
·         No Poisons, which today causes around 250,000 deaths annually according to WHO
·         No Hormones 
·          No Antibiotics 
·         Not genetically modified, (non-GMO
·          No Additives. Many additives—such as preservatives, artificial sweeteners, colorings and flavorings, MSG, hydrogenated fat, and phosphoric acid—are prohibited in organic food production
·         No Antibodies
·          No Irradiation 
·         No Chemical treatment of the food
·         Free from human and industrial waste
·         Better taste
·          Processed Food items in an Organic Shop are often clearly labeled like e.g. if there is No Wheat and No Gluten.
·          Processed Food items in an Organic Shop are normally less processed with lower heat and gentler other methods.
·         In organic food shops you get the impression that staff, shop owners, food manufacturers honestly care for your health and not only your money.
·         Higher levels of minerals (63 - 178% in one estimation). See also the list of minerals and their properties. Compare the mineral list with what Gerson.org has done for around 80 years and get convinced. Based on U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) statistics, standard not organic broccoli contained 130 milligrams (mg) of calcium in 1950. Today the results indicate only 48 mg of calcium for non organic broccoli.
·         Lower levels of poisonous minerals, (but in so called organic form which is non-poisonous while food is raw)
·         Higher levels of enzymes
·         Organic raw milk lasts longer than pasteurized milk. When attempts are made to infect organic raw milk with salmonella or other viruses and bacteria they just simply disappear, taken care of by the natural in built resistance in raw organic milk. Pasteurized industrial milk a few days old doesn't stand a chance and becomes infected quickly. (Source: Jerry Brunetti, video "Food as a Medicine" from around 2005)
·         More other nutrients including vitamins and phytonutrients, (10-50% higher in one estimation)
·         Vitamins are not synthetic and minerals are biologically available 100% unlike in most products inVitamin shops
·         Detoxification. When the body does not get any more poisons any longer through food etc. the body starts detoxification. However if you are really ill the detoxification can be too difficult for your liver and kidneys. SeeGerson.org
·         Protecting Nature (Small example: Fish in lakes don't become female or feminized).
·          Protects Biodiversity
·         Saving energy
·         Reduced need for water in organic agriculture, only 20% compared to agriculture using pesticides.
·         Sustainable farming
·          Less soil erosion. In conventional farming the earth is used more to keep plants upright. The earth will be loose and washed away or even blown away in large dust storms that is so common around the world today unless the soil is actively alive. In USA in the MidWest during the depression in the 1930ies there were 10 years with practically no rain and large dust storms because of monocultures, fertilizers and pesticides over millions and millions of acres that killed the soil and invited pests. According to Vanishing top soil will lead to food crisis within perhaps as little as 60 years.
·         One square foot of organic agricultural soil has 5 to 30 earthworms.  Earthworms can turn over the top 6 inches of soil in 10 to 20 years. (There are no earthworms in soil that has synthetic fertilizers, pesticides etc.)
·         A handful of organic soil can contain 10s of billions of microorganisms. We must keep these microorganisms alive with organic non toxic treatment so that the soil can produce healthy plants with large enough roots to bind the earth and retain the water.
·         Better treatment of animals. They are e.g. not tortured like chicken on regular basis in too small cages.
·         Often better treatment of agricultural workers.
·         Less if any cases of Bird Flu. Contagious mutations of Bird Flu develops almost only in non organic chicken and duck factories where birds are fed with antibiotics, hormones and live under other very bad conditions.
·         Better Health if you eat raw and fresh organic vegetables first and foremost
·          Lower hospital bills. Ultimately somebody has to pay for bad health, be it tax payers, insurance payers or yourself.
·         The most important part of real cures of all or almost all diseases
·         No overweight and no underweight.
·         Better intelligence
·         Better eyesight
·          Better mood
·          Better energy, more stamina
·          Clarity of mind, no brain fog
·         Nice if you don't want hyperactive children
·          School children become polite and friendly to their parents and want to learn more in school. See Jamie Olivers experiments with better school food in UK and US, which was made on a very restricted budget but still showed extreme success.
·          Organic food can be an important part of curing autism, Aspbergers syndrome or even Dyslexia. ( other parts are Omega 3, Zinc, abstaining from Gluten and Dairy, Supplementation with Probiotics, Vitamin B6 and Magnesium, Expectant mothers should avoid all products with Aspartame, AvoidVaccinations especially those who contain Mercury, Squalene or Aluminum, Avoid antibiotics, Use Chelation to remove Mercury and other heavy toxic metals etc. see the video See also the chapter about Autism in the NWO pages.
·         Farm workers not exposed to pesticides, fungicides, herbicides. 
·         79% higher production according to several sources in sustainable farming tested in several millions of farms and up to 300% larger production in organic farming according to one source
·         The profit per acre for big GMO monocultured fertilized pesticidal farms is around 20 USD, while the profit per acre for an organic farm is around 19,000 USD. (Source: "Fed Up" a video 60 minutes)
·         Plants get more and stronger roots
·         Soil nutrients increases
·          Soil bacteria more efficient
·         Plant and fruit quality increases
·         Plants are more resistant towards insect attacks
·         Farmers learn to use good insects to control bad insects, e.g. by planting flowers that attract good insects.
·         Plants are more resistant against fungus and other diseases
·         Organic farming does not kill honey bees and other pollinating insects.
·         Pesticides does not accumulate in the soil. 
·         If you are a top athlete in World Class, Olympics etc. you can expect not to have to finish your career already in your twenties because of injuries. Top athletes on western SAD-like diets, (Standard American Diet), have extremely short careers, albeit often as Millionaires, but they normally want more than money...
·         You are doing a good deed.
·         I am sure I forgot something... Ah Yes!,  Better Memory

Nice Organic Food Article in Malaysia

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